GeekChain - community of geeks and for geeks
Who is a Geek?
A geek is an enthusiastic person or "an expert and enthusiast in a particular field". Basically the term is used when it comes to an IT specialist, but these are not only developers, but also, for example, copywriters, designers, marketers, analysts, products and projects.
What qualities do we value in a Geek?
It is important for us to have such a geeks in the community who have the following traits:
- Discipline
- Responsibility
- Openness and lightness
- Ability to work
- Passionate about what you do
- Perseverance
- Energy
- Purposefulness. At the same time, the ultimate goal is to sell the product, and not just make money
- «Interface». The parameter of interaction with others is very important
What is the GeekChain community like?
When you have an idea but no tools, no matter how jack-of-all-trades you are, you will be faced with complexities that will waste precious time and effort.
The toolkit, within the framework of GeekChain, is human skills and capabilities that contribute to the implementation of the product. Usually there is an idea and geek is extremely excited about it, but when the project comes to solving non-core tasks, it dies without assistance. Because, when it comes to a project, legal and accounting questions arise, as well as design, branding, advertising, and etc. In general, there are many questions, and one geek has few answers. That's why he is either with us, or his idea is put on the far shelf.
At one time, we faced such a problem as the lack of tools, so we decided to create such a community that will help geeks realize their ideas. We assemble teams for projects and help them implement products.
It can be seemed that GeekChain is a toolkit. In one sense, yes. But what does community mean? This group of people who have common intentions, resources, the need for self-realization. The goal of the community is to form productive commands. It turns out that the community, in our case, is a consumer and a component of the toolkit. In other words, Geek is both a consumer and a producer, and GeekChain is an orchestrator.
What stack do we use?
The stack of used technologies is determined by the specifics of the product, resources and the problem of the environment. Majority of prototypes are created in interpreted languages, and then, if it's necessary, are rewritten to compiled language.
For example, there was needed a solution in a project on an ARM-based single-board computer, which should record and analyze sound in real time, while the device was low on memory and didn't have very powerful processor, so part of the project was implemented in C, and part in Python, because the product was in the "Prototype" stage. In that case, the team was assisted by an audio expert. As a result of the combination of stacks, we got working prototype. Python is good for prototypes because it is easier to build the “skeleton” of the product on it, but using compiled multi-threaded programming language, the command will increase productivity and even security, and will also simplify the implementation everywhere, so when we go to production, we will rewrite the product on GO.
The team selects a stack for specific product tasks and does not limit itself to already mastered technologies. At the same time of course, there are tasks for which we immediately define the stack, because we have enough experience. At february 2023 in our arsenal there are:
- Golang, Python, PHP, C++, #C, C, Node.js, JavaScript, Lua
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, DynamoDB, MongoDB
- Redis, Memcache, RabbitMQ, Beanstalk, NATS, AWS SNS/SQS
- HTML, CSS, React, Vue.js
- Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Armbian(ARMv8), Windows Server
- Git, VirtualENV, Docker, Nginx, Nginx Unit, Minio, AWS/S3
What projects do we do?
The team makes unique products that solve a specific problem in niches. Basically, these are projects of B2B segment, but sometimes we find interesting projects in the B2C segment. And with the “Ballista” project, we delve into science.
In the future, we would like to touch upon social projects. We've already had attempts, but we did not come to a common decision with partners, so these projects have been postponed for the time being.
Since we've grown from the construction industry, we have a lot of products for this niche, which is, by the way, a big treasure trove of information that can and should be digitized. There is also a project,which is conected with farm industry. As it turned out that this area is also full of information that can and should be converted into digit.
How do we find such directions? Everything is born from the idea of a person, who is somehow connected with such a niche, versed in it and knowing the peculiarities of the market. We get to know such a person → he voices the idea → we analyze and help make the framework of the product → conduct research, refine hypotheses → form phasing of the project → start development. If you are such a person - Contact Us!
Why geek needs community?
You can be both an advanced geek and a novice geek. In any case, we can build a mutually beneficial cooperation. If you want to gain experience or just work, you will have such an opportunity. If you want to grow further and realize your business idea, we will help you by relieving you of non-core issues.
Geeks either try to do it well, or they don't do it at all. Thats why, they are often in the blue in simple, but non-core, tasks. GeekChain is needed to close issues that Geek will either solve independently and for a long time, due to the lack of the necessary knowledge, or even abandon his entire project due to lack of desire to understand uninteresting information.
A geek is a person who wants to reach solid bedrock, and sometimes he needs a hint. Therefore, we are ready to set aside time for consultations, and thus kill two birds with one stone. Contact us, we will show you how to launch your product.
Which way to develop is in the community?
First of all, you must understand that GeekChain is a professional community. It means that you will be developed from a professional point of view and acquire new useful contacts. From just fascinated person without sufficient experience, you will become a sought-after specialist.
If you are already experienced and in demand, but you are not interested in career growth, then you will just do what you love, participating in innovative projects in which you will be interested to work. You also have the option to gain passive income, for example, by receiving a share in a project in which you have invested your time and energy.
Of course, there is a chance that while working on our projects, your muse visit you and you will come up with a new cool product. And it is possible that personal experience will help you become one of the leads of an existing project. For the "Ballista" project, for example, it was needed to record sound in real time, and one of the geeks had the necessary experience, and later he became the scientific director of this project, although we did not even think that we would have a scientific subdivision in this project :)
What's about money?
Anticipating the question of novice geeks about payment, we want to please you: we adhere to the principle - “Any work must be paid." The main thing in this principle is the result, even if it's not very good. All comes with experience and we understand it.
Each of our projects is a separate story, so we will find a use for each geek. We determine the cost of work in the process of discussion together, negotiating as with a partner, not an employee, and pay for the work in the project in stages. In case of changes (it happend) we negotiate new conditions to make everyone feel comfortable.
How to join the community?
We help geeks launch products on the market. We need different people. Let us see what you are capable of :)
Text us in the feedback form. Do not forget:
- describe in which domains you have experience (foodtech, fintech, agrotech, etc.)
- attach a link to GitHub (for developers), Behance (for designers).
We will get to know you and understand whether we will work together or not. In any case, you will remain in our memory and “base data” of potential partners. If at the time of our acquaintance there is no project for you, then when it appears, we will offer it to you. At the beginning, we propose a small project to make it clear to everyone how better to build cooperation.